Figure 5.
Mesenchymal stem cells promote colorectal cancer progression via CCR5[99]. A: Scheme of co-inoculation mice model. HCT116-EV, HCT116 cells transfected with empty vector; HCT116-CCR5, HCT116 cells transfected with CCR5. B: Tumor volume curves in HCT116-EV and HCT116-CCR5 co-cultured with MSCs. C: Representative images of tumors and histological findings in HCT116-EV + MSCs and HCT116-CCR5 + MSCs groups. D: Scheme of treatment procedure. E: Tumor volume curves in HCT116-EV + MSCs and HCT116-CCR5 + MSCs groups. Dotted lines show treatment group with maraviroc 30 mg/kg/d, and solid lines show control group with vehicles.