Effect of PVI suppression on auditory cortex responses. A: negligible reduction in baseline activity (Rmin) produced by PVI suppression during low-contrast stimulation. B: a more substantial increase in the maximum response (Rmax) was also observed. C: a small subtractive change in the offset of responses occurred during PVI suppression. D: the asymmetrical effects on Rmin and Rmax led to an increase in gain during PVI suppression. E: a small reduction in Rmin was also observed under high-contrast stimulation. F: a similar increase in Rmax was observed under high-contrast stimulation. G: unlike under low-contrast stimulation, PVI suppression produced a small increase in offset during high-contrast stimulation. H: the robust increase in gain observed under low-contrast stimulation was also observed during high-contrast stimulation. I: the similarity of the effects on gain under low and high-contrast stimulation resulted in this manipulation leaving the strength of contrast gain control unaffected. Arch, archearhodopsin; MUA, multiunit activity; PVI, parvalbumin-positive interneurons; Rmin; 5th percentile of the response of the multiunit activity; Rmax, maximum response as the 95th percentile; S, range of responses in a particular light condition (“on” vs. “off”) and contrast condition (“low” vs. “high”).