The interaction between ocular dominance index (ODI), global orientation selectivity index (gOSI), and mismatch with binocular inputs. Top: binocular matched inputs. Bottom: binocular, unmatched inputs. A: the dependence of the matching rate on the gOSI. B: the dependence of the matching rate on the |ODI|. C: the dependence of the growth rate of the gOSI on the mismatch; error bars give the SE. Results are shown for t0 = tswitch and for t0 = tswitch+45 s. (See Fig. 6, D and F, Fig. 10B). With binocular, unmatched inputs the behavior is as for monocular inputs. For binocular, matched inputs qualitative differences arise, particularly for the dependence of the matching rate on the gOSI (cf. Fig. 6, E and F).