Bacterial Wilt disease development in Roq1 tomatoes. (A) Wild-type and Roq1 tomato plants were infected with wild-type and RipB mutant Ralstonia strain GMI1000 by soil soak inoculation. Disease symptoms were monitored over 14 days, with no wilting corresponding to a Disease Index of 0 and complete wilting corresponding to a Disease Index of 4. Error bars indicate standard error from four biological replicates. Disease progression of wild-type Ralstonia on tomatoes expressing Roq1 was significantly lower (p < 0.05) than the three other conditions (Friedman test with Dunn’s multiple comparisons test). (B) Wild-type and Roq1 tomato plants 8 days after petiole inoculation with approximately 2000 cells of wild-type GMI1000.