s:Ge/MyComponent/Type = “TsBox” |
Declares new piece of geometry, a dividable box |
i:Ge/MyComponent/HLZ = 1. m |
Sets half-length of above box |
i:Ge/MyComponent/ZBins = 10 |
Divides the box |
s:Ge/MyComponent/Material = “G4_WATER” |
Sets material of the box |
s:Ge/MyComponent/Parent = “World” |
Makes box a child of the World component |
d:Ge/MyComponent/XTrans = 4. cm |
Translates box from center of Parent |
d:Ge/MyComponent/YRot = 30 deg |
Rotates box w.r.t parent coordinate system |
sv:Ph/Optical/Modules = 2 “g4optical” “g4em-standard_opt3” |
Selects a particular set of Geant4 physics modules |
s:Sc/DoseAtPhantom/Quantity = “DoseToMedium” |
Creates a scorer of dose to medium |
s:Sc/DoseAtPhantom/Component = “MyComponent” |
Attaches scorer to MyComponent |
sv:Sc/DoseAtPhantom/OnlyIncludeIfParticleOrAncestorInteractedIn Volume = 1 “Propeller20/Leaf” |
Filters scorer to only trigger on cases where the scored particle or its ancestor interacted in the given volume |
sv:Sc/DoseAtPhantom/OnlyIncludeIfInRTStructure = 2 “R_LUNG” “L_LUNG” |
If geometry was a DICOM rather than a simple box, limits sensitivity by RTStruct to the two lungs |