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. 2020 Apr 28;2020(4):CD013594. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013594
Study Method Participants Interventions Outcomes Setting Disease severity Overall risk of bias Narrative of findings
ACTG‐A5164, 2009 RCT 282, AIDS‐related opportunist infections
10 people with histoplasmosis
Early ART (n 7)
Deferred ART (n 3)
Primary: composite endpoint of death and HIV viral load.
Safety: IRIS; lab adverse events Grades 2–4; clinical adverse events Grades 2‐4.
USA, South Africa Baseline
median CD4 count
29 (IQR 10–55) cells/μL Low 1/7 participants with histoplasmosis dies in the early ART group.
0/3 participants with histoplasmosis died in the deferred ART group.
1/3 people with histoplasmosis in deferred ART arm developed histoplasma IRIS (day 47). IRIS aetiology: hepatitis C. Survived.
1/7 people with histoplasmosis in early ART arm developed hepatitis C IRIS (day 14). IRIS aetiology: histoplasmosis. Survived.
ART: antiretroviral therapy; IQR: interquartile range; IRIS: immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.