Table 2. Primer sequences for Bacteroidales host-specific fecal markers and enterovirus PCR and RT-PCR assays.
Primer ID | Sequence (5’ - 3’) | Size (bp) | Annealing Temp.(° C) | Reference |
BAC708R | CAATCGGAGTTCTTCGTG | - | - | [21] |
HF183F | ATCATGAGTTCACATGTCCG | 525 | 61 | [21] |
CF193F | TATGAAAGCTCCGGCC | 515 | 61 | [21] |
PF163 | GCGGATTAATACCGTATGA | 545 | 61 | [23] |
EVupstream | CCTCCGGCCCCTGAATG | - | - | [25] |
EVdownstream | ACCGGATGGCCAATCCAA | 196 | 59 | [25] |
“-”is provided in the size and annealing temperature of the reverse primers.