Results of forward genetic screen for ProQ substitutions that disrupt RNA binding. Each row represents a plasmid isolated from the screen one or more times which expressed a variant α-ProQFL protein that was expressed at wild-type or greater levels and nevertheless displayed reduced b-galactosidase activity with either cspE or SibB hybrid RNAs. Columns indicate (i) the residues in α-ProQFL at which substitutions were found to disrupt RNA binding in B3H screen, (ii) the position of each residue based on the ProQ NTD NMR structure (PDB: 5nb9) (28), either within the core of the protein, on the surface or buried, but on the periphery outside of the core (see Supplementary Figure S10), (iii) the specific amino-acid substitution resulting from mutation in each isolated plasmid and (iv) the number of times this mutated plasmid was isolated in screening against either a MS2hp-cspE or MS2hp-SibB RNAs