Figure 7.
Removing fast periodicities by filtering modulation power spectra (MPS) of fast amplitude modulated (AM) vocalizations. (A) Left column shows the waveform, spectrogram, and MPS of a downward frequency modulated (FM) syllable containing fast periodicities. (A) Right column shows representations of the same sound after demodulation by filtering the MPS in the range marked with the dashed lines (see methods and Supplementary Fig. S4). (B,C) show the same representations as A, but for one syllable containing quasiconstant-frequency and downward frequency modulated components (qCF-FM syllable, B) and one syllable composed of sinusoidal frequency modulations (SFM syllable, C). The three syllables represented in (A–C) and their demodulated treatments were used as stimuli for measuring electrocardiogram (ECG) and neural responses. (D) The temporal modulation spectra of the FM, qCF-FM, and SFM syllables (left) and their demodulated treatments (right). (E) Temporal arrangement of syllables in the sequences used as stimuli during ECG and neural measurement experiments. Altogether, six sequences were constructed, each composed of the same syllable repeated at inter-syllable intervals (ISIs) of 14 ms. The syllables formed 11 bouts that were repeated at inter-bout intervals (IBIs) of 80 ms.