Figure 8.
The presence of fast amplitude modulation boosts the bats’ heart rate (HR). (A) Schematic representation of electrode positioning during electrocardiogram (ECG) measurements. (B) 1s-segment of ECG recording. The position of QRS events is indicated. (C) Instantaneous HR in two recording trials in which the fast amplitude modulated (AM) FM syllable and its demodulated treatment were used as stimuli (left and right, respectively). HR-curves (solid-lines) were obtained by interpolation from the instantaneous HR data. (D) Average HR curves obtained considering all presentations of the fast-AM FM syllable (left panel) and its demodulated treatment (right panel). Shaded areas indicate the standard error of the mean. Note that stronger HR responses followed the presentation of the fast-AM FM. (E) Area under the average HR curve calculated in 12 awake bats in response to the two treatments of the FM syllable. Note that the fast-AM treatment rendered the strongest HR responses. Area values have been z-scored for illustration purposes due to the HR variability across animals (z-scoring does not affect the results of paired statistics reported). (F,G) Show similar results as those reported in (D,E), but in response to the quasiconstant-frequency/frequency-modulated (qCF-FM) syllable and its demodulated treatment. (H,I) Show the results obtained when the sinusoidally frequency modulated syllable (SFM) was used as stimulus.