4R seeding activities detected in intra-vitam PSP and CBD CSF by 4R
RT-QuIC. a Representative CSF samples (12 μL) from PSP, CBD,
AD, and non-neurological (normal) control cases, identified by their ID numbers
from Online Resource Table 3, were analyzed by 4R RT-QuIC. Traces from
individual quadruplicate reactions are plotted with ThT rfu indicated in
thousands. The fraction of the quadruplicate reactions exceeding the 1500 rfu
threshold is shown in parentheses. b Lag times (times to 1500 rfu
within 40 h) for individual reactions seeded with CSF from the designated PSP,
CBS/CBD, MSA, AD, MCI mild cognitive impairment,
RPD rapidly progressive dementia, PPA
primary progressive aphasia, PD Parkinson disease, dementia
with Lewy bodies/Lewy body dementia (DLB/LBD), carcinoma and normal control
cases (ID numbers on x-axis) were shown in the dot plot. Right
graph: data points show average lag times for each case with the designated
diagnosis. Boxes indicate the median and interquartile range, and whiskers
indicate the maximum and minimum case averages. Significance of differences
between means by one-way ANOVA followed by uncorrected Fisher’s LSD test:
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.001,
****p < 0.0001. c Baseline-subtracted
rfu values within 36 h. Off-scale values exceeding 30,000 rfu are stacked above
the grey dotted line. Magenta dotted line:1500 rfu threshold. Box plots as
described in b, but for peak rfu values instead of lag times