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. 2020 Apr 24;14:18. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2020.00018



Applications of optogenetics in the analysis of circuit connectivity. (A) The examination of the connection from Sst positive GABAergic interneurons to excitatory pyramidal neurons and various types of GABAergic interneurons by photo-stimulating Sst neurons expressing ChR2. Top, schematic of experimental design; bottom traces, example IPSCs received by different types of cells upon Sst activation. (B) Subcellular ChR2-assisted circuit mapping (sCRACM) to reveal subcellular organization of two different long-range inputs impinged onto L3 pyramidal neurons. Bottom traces, example EPSCs when stimulating M1 or VPM inputs at particular domains (a, the tuft branches; b, basal dendrites). (C) The examination of corticofugal innervation onto brainstem AOS neurons by pharmacologically blocking action potentials. Bottom traces: example EPSCs before and after blocking action potentials. (D) Dual-channel mapping to resolve two different inputs received by L2/3 pyramidal neurons. ChR2 and ReaChR are expressed in axons coming from vS1 and POm, respectively. Bottom traces, the colored segments represent the EPSC components mediated by activating POm input or vS1 input. The blue or pink bars above traces represent light stimulation.