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. 2020 May 1;2020(5):CD011368. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011368.pub2
Change in lesion counts ‐ inflamed (counts)
Study Time points Alpha‐hydroxy acid (mean, SD) Benzoyl peroxide (mean, SD) P value
parallel trials
Hunt 1992 Short term ‐ lesion counts reduction Unclear, not reported Unclear, not reported No difference
Hunt 1992 Medium term ‐ lesion counts reduction Unclear, not reported Unclear, not reported Benzoyl peroxide was significantly better than gluconolactone at eight and twelve weeks (P < 0.05)
Hunt 1992 Long term: 12 weeks after start of treatment ‐ lesion counts reduction Unclear, not reported Unclear, not reported Benzoyl peroxide was significantly better than gluconolactone at eight and twelve weeks (P< 0.05)
split‐face trials
Ilknur 2010 Long term: six months after start of treatment (number of lesions post intervention) 6.88±5.18 7.00±7.26 >0.05
Ilknur 2010 Short term (number of lesions post intervention) 10.08±5.72 8.67±4.48 >0.05
Ilknur 2010 Medium term (number of lesions post intervention) 8.29±4.50 8.88±4.81 >0.05