Figure 2. Circulating Tfh cell kinetics parallel graft-dLN GC reactivity following transplantation.
Naïve B6 mice were transplanted with skin from either B6 (Syn) or BALB/c (Allo) donors and serially sacrificed post-transplantation for PBMC and graft-dLN analysis. (A) Representative flow plots displaying the frequencies of blood cTfh (gated on CD4+Foxp3− T cells), graft-dLN Tfh (gated on CD4+Foxp3−CD44hi T cells), GC B (gated on CD19+IgD−B220+CD138− B cells), plasmablast (gated on CD19+IgD− cells), and plasma (gated on CD19−IgD− cells) cells over time. Summary data of (B) cTfh cell, (C) graft-dLN Tfh cell, (D) GC B cell, (E) plasmablast, and (F) plasma cell frequencies and numbers over time (n=5 per group). (G) Summary data of cTfh cell frequencies and numbers relative to graft-dLN Tfh and GC B cell frequencies and numbers, respectively (n=5 per group). Summary data represent mean (SE) and are representative of three independent experiments with a total of 15 mice per group. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p< 0.001.