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. 2020 Apr 24;11:326. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00326


Description of the reproductive traits studied in the current report.

Trait name Trait abbreviation Trait description
Flower number FLN Mean of flower number in the second and third truss for each temperature
Fruit number FRN Mean of fruit set in the second and third truss for each temperature
Fruit Set Proportion FRS 100 × (Ratio FRN/FLN)
Stigma Exsertion SE 0: no exserted, 1: slightly exserted and 2: very exserted
Tipburn TB Apical necrosis. 0: no TB and 1: TB incidence
Pollen tube germination TG Number of germinated pollen grains
Aniline Blue AB Pollen viability based on aniline blue staining
Viable pollen VP Percentage of viable pollen based on flow cytometry