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. 2020 Apr 24;11:270. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.00270


Exercise and MI.

References Time Disease Participation Outcome
Cardiac rehabilitation
Fallavollita et al. (2016) 5 weeks MI 37 patients Improvements in QoL exercise capacity (from 423 ± 94 to 496 ± 13 m) and autonomic modulation
Kim et al. (2016) 6 weeks Ischemic cardiomyopathy 48 patients Improving cardiopulmonary function and increasing LVEF.
Matos-Garcia et al. (2017) 2 months MI 31 patients Improvement of functional capacity by increasing PTHmax and MIP
Lim et al. (2016) 6 weeks MI 359 patients Improvements in HRrest, VO2 peak, TED and METs
Choe et al. (2018) 4 weeks MI 66 patients Improvements in VO2 peak and METs.
Lee et al. (2019) 3 years MI 265 patients Reduced major adverse cardiovascular events (e.g., MI) than those without CR (9.9% vs. 18.3%).
Moderate-intensity exercise
Cai et al. (2018) Moderated-intensity exercise MI 10 rats Suppress skeletal muscle atrophy
Aronov et al. (2009) Moderate-intensity exercise Ischemic heart disease. 197 patients Increases of efficiency of cardiac work and work performed volume (+ 74.3%), prolongation of exercise time (+ 31.7%), structural functional improvement of heart
Alkhatib and Klonizakis (2014) Moderated-intensity exercise Sedentary postmenopausal participants 15 patients Improvement of microcirculatory perfusion cardiorespiratory capacity
Aronov et al. (2009) Moderated-intensity exercise Acute coronary events 188 patients Lowering atherogenic index, total cholesterol and body mass index
Xu et al. (2018) Moderate exercise MI 10 rats Promoting α-myosin heavy chain (α-MHC) expression and myocardial contractile function, and improve prognosis.
High- and low-intensity exercise
Wisloff et al. (2006) High-intensity exercise Cardiovascular disease 27,143 men and 28,929 women Lower the cardiovascular death risk
Ades et al. (1996) High-intensity exercise Elderly patients with coronary bypass surgery or myocardial infarction 60 patients 16 and 20% increase in peak aerobic capacity and increased the difference of arteriovenous oxygen at peak exercise
Kemmler et al. (2013) Intense multipurpose exercise Osteopenic Caucasian females 137 patients Improve metabolic and lower cardiac risk
Al’khimovich et al. (1985) Intensive exercise large-focal myocardial infarction 21 patients Improved myocardial functional potentials, better physical stress tolerance, better psychological outlook and smaller pulmonary venous congestion
Hua et al. (2009) Low-intensity exercise Mildly hypertensive men and women 20 patients Improved VO2 peak
Worcester et al. (1993) Low-intensity exercise MI 224 patients Improvement of QoL