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. 2023 Jun 14;8:1441. Originally published 2019 Aug 15. [Version 3] doi: 10.12688/f1000research.20144.3

Table 1. Unadjusted relationship between sociodemographic factors and willingness-to-pay for a hypothetical Ebola vaccine (N=288).

Parameter N (%) Unstandardized coefficients US$ estimate P-value
B 95% CI of B SE Mean 95% CI
Lower Upper Lower Upper
Intercept 1.469 0.864 2.073 0.307 5.915 4.368 7.461 <0.001
Age group (year)
   17–29 (Ref) 68 (23.6)
   30–44 147 (51.0) -0.304 -0.556 -0.052 0.128 1.005 -0.542 2.551 0.018
   ≥45 73 (25.3) -0.280 -0.581 0.022 0.153 1.029 -0.517 2.576 0.069
   Male (Ref) 137 (47.6)
   Female 151 (52.4) 0.110 -0.126 0.346 0.120 1.520 -0.027 3.066 0.359
   Less than junior high school (Ref) 70 (24.3)
   Senior high school 136 (47.2) 0.300 0.043 0.557 0.130 1.837 0.291 3.384 0.022
   Diploma 42 (14.6) 0.042 -0.372 0.456 0.210 1.420 -0.127 2.966 0.842
   Graduated 40 (13.9) 0.526 0.042 1.010 0.246 2.304 0.757 3.851 0.033
   Farmer (Ref) 77 (26.7)
   Private employee 24 (8.3) 0.741 0.267 1.215 0.241 2.857 1.310 4.403 0.002
   Housewife 67 (23.3) 0.045 -0.284 0.375 0.167 1.424 -0.122 2.971 0.788
   Entrepreneur 72 (25.0) 0.400 0.106 0.694 0.149 2.032 0.485 3.578 0.008
   Civil servant 48 (16.7) 0.606 0.146 1.065 0.233 2.495 0.948 4.042 0.010
Marital status
   Unmarried (Ref) 10 (3.5)
   Married 278 (96.5) -0.896 -1.438 -0.355 0.275 0.556 -0.991 2.102 0.001
Monthly income (IDR)
   <1 million (Ref) 127 (44.1)
   1 to ≤ 2 million 96 (33.3) -0.107 -0.336 0.123 0.117 1.224 -0.323 2.770 0.360
   >2 million 65 (22.6) 0.054 -0.315 0.424 0.188 1.437 -0.110 2.984 0.774
   Suburb (Ref) 247 (85.8)
   City 41 (14.2) -0.491 -0.842 -0.141 0.178 0.833 -0.714 2.379 0.006
Socio-economic status
   1 st tertile (Poorest) (Ref) 95 (33.0)
   2 nd tertile 96 (33.3) -0.150 -0.418 0.119 0.136 1.172 -0.374 2.719 0.273
   3 rd tertile (Wealthiest) 97 (33.7) -0.076 -0.404 0.252 0.167 1.262 -0.285 2.808 0.649
Attitude towards vaccination practice
   Poor (Ref) 138 (47.9)
   Good 150 (52.1) -0.029 -0.251 0.193 0.113 1.322 -0.224 2.869 0.797
Knowledge of Ebola
   Poor (Ref) 196 (68.1)
   Good 92 (31.9) -0.201 -0.461 0.059 0.132 1.113 -0.433 2.660 0.129
Mean squared error (MSE) 0.617
   F value 4.281 (P<0.001)
   R 2 0.223

CI, confidence interval; IDR, Indonesia rupiah; US$, American dollar; SE, standard error; Ref, reference group.