Table 1.
Node name | EDE symptom |
Avoideat | Avoidance of eating |
Binge | OBE (past month) |
Bodydisc | Discomfort seeing body |
Bmi | Body mass index |
Dietru le | Dietary rules |
Dietrestrict | Dietary restriction outside of bulimic episodes |
Emptystom | Empty stomach |
Expodisc | Avoidance of exposure |
Fearwtgain | Fear of weight gain |
Feelfat | Feelings of fatness |
Flatstom | Flat stomach |
Foodavoid | Food avoidance |
Guilt | Guilt about eating |
Losewt | Desire to lose weight |
Losscontrol | Fear of losing control over eating |
Overeat | Objective overeating |
preoc_sw | Preoccupation with shape or weight |
Restraint | Restraint over eating |
Secreteat | Eating in secret |
Shapedis | Dissatisfaction with shape |
Shapeimport | Importance of shape |
Socialeat | Social eating |
Weigh | Reaction to prescribed weighing |
Wtdis | Dissatisfaction with weight |
Wtimport | Importance of weight |
preoc_fd | Preoccupation with food, eating, or calories |
EDE, eating disorders examination.