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. 2020 Jan 9;111:106020. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.106020

Table 2.

Invasive alien plant species (IAPS) from terrestrial and aquatic environment and their impacts on human health [on direct exposure, as pathogens, as vector, as toxins (chemic release/biological toxins), through contamination of edible foodstuffs, through their morphological/vegetation attributes, allergens and indirect implications].

Serial No. Invasive alien plant species (IAPS) Role/mode of disease spread Health Impacts Source
1. Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) Both as vector and direct exposure Management through physical removal of this top aquatic IAPS, lead to abundance of anopheline and culicine mosquito larvae favourably inhabited by this macrophyte, which may lead to malaria out-break. Also, act ashost vector of snails carrying Schistosoma mansoni, causing parasites resulting in disease schistosomiasis. Further, deterioration of water quality may also have adverse health implications Plummer, 2005, Mazza et al., 2014, Gezie et al., 2018, Stone et al., 2018
2. Lantana camara (Lantana/railway creeper) As vector Proved to be worst IAPS which provide favourable habitat for Glossina spp. (tse-tse fly), causing sleeping sleekness Leak, 1999, Mack et al., 2000, Mazza et al., 2014
3. Parthenium hysterophorus (Parthenium/Congress grass) Direct exposure IAPS of severe threat to global landscapes, which affect human health through allergic responses e.g. eczematous dermatitis and asthma; Acts as malarial vector, especially in South Africa Reaser et al., 2007, Mazza et al., 2014, Nyasembe et al., 2015, Stone et al., 2018
4. Senecio inaequidens Direct exposure A neophyte in South Africa imposing serious human health risk due to toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids group containing (mainly retrorsine) Eller and Chizzola (2016)
5. Ailanthus altissima Direct exposure Persistent long term exposure to sap can cause myocarditis; Causes allergic response in the form of dermatitis Daisie, 2009, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010
6. Pistia Stratiotes, Hydrocotyle Ranunculoides, Myriophyllum Aquaticum, Egeria densa As vector Malaria outbreak through hosting Mansonia spp. And Malarial mosquitoes Alarcón-Elbal, 2013, Stone et al., 2018
7. Aquatic plants trade carrying Biomphalaria glabrata, B. straminea and B. tenagophila and Anophlese sp. As vector Can transmit parasites to humans; Resulting in schistosomiasis spread through water hyacinth; Can result in Malarial outbreak Mack et al., 2000, Plummer, 2005, Mazza et al., 2014, Stone et al., 2018
8. Ambrosia artemisiifolia Direct exposure Causes allergic response in the form of dermatitis; exacerbating human health implications (especially in Europe) through allergic responses, under climate change scenario, revealed by pollen/greenhouse emission models; caused asthma as epidemic in several European Countries and China leading to huge economic burden in its treatment; Among 11 allergens, IgE reactivity, Amb a 1 and Amb a 11 seem to be are recognised as major allergens; Allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) may be the best health treatment option Xu et al., 2006, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010, Daisie, 2009, Schindler et al., 2015, Lake et al., 2017, Müller-Schärer, et al., 2018, Chen et al., 2018
9. Acacia, Acer, Casuarina, Eucalyptus, Helianthus, Platanus and Xanthium Direct exposure Pollen invaders (studied in Spain) spread In atmospheric environment impose threats to human health in form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and asthma; Concomitantly, pollen allergens can exacerbate old respiratory problems and skin allergies Belmonte and Vilà, 2004, Mazza et al., 2014
10. Echium plantagineum IPS toxins transferred to food Pyrrolizidine from this plant make honey Toxic for human health Pysˇek and Richardson (2010)
11. Algal blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa , Anabena sp. etc. IPS toxins transferred to water/food Toxins like Microcystin, hepatotoxins, anatoxins and possible tumour promoters from algal blooms contaminate the water and food chain (through biomagnification) components like edible plants/fish, which on intake, adversely affecting human health e.g. teratogenic effects Streftaris and Zenetos, 2006, Funari and Testai, 2008, Wu et al., 2012, Mazza et al., 2014, Lee et al., 2017
12. Robinia pseudoacacia Direct exposure Continuous exposure can lead to gastroenteritis due to toxins lying flowers and seed Pysˇek and Richardson (2010)
13. Prosopis juliflora, Senna didymobotrya and Tecoma stans Vector Assist in outbreak of malaria by attracting the malarial parasites, as host; Prosopis juliflora demonstrated to accelerate the transmission potential of Anophlese Muller et al., 2017, Stone et al., 2018, Shiferaw et al., 2019
14. Datura spp., Thuja orientalis, Cestrum parqui, Lupinus polyphyllus, Nicotiana tabacum, Cannabis indica Direct exposure Ornamental / commercial plants toxic to health Celesti-Grapow et al., 2010, Mazza et al., 2014
15. Cortaderia selloana Direct exposure Injuries and wounds Daisie, 2009, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010
16. Cortaderia selloana (Pampas grass) Direct exposure Sharp leaves with thorns or silicate crystals can result in skin cut, injuries/ wounds GISD, 2013, Mazza et al., 2014
17. Spartina anglica Direct exposure External skin injuries and wounds due to cut from sharp edged leaves Pysˇek and Richardson (2010)
18. Opuntia stricta Direct exposure Health implications in form of eye and skin irritations, possibly due to glochids on the fruit Shackleton et al. (2017)
19. Caesalpinia decapetala Direct exposure Injuries and wounds Pysˇek and Richardson (2010)
20. Rosa rugosa Direct exposure Injuries/ wounds due to sharp and thick thorny edges Daisie, 2009, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010, Mazza et al., 2014
21. Nicotiana glauca (South American mustard tree) Direct exposure Poisonous in nature Daisie (2009); ; Mazza et al. (2014)
22. Cortaderia selloana Allergy resulting from pollen Pysˇek and Richardson (2010)
23. Acacia dealbata Direct exposure Causes allergies/allergic responses Daisie, 2009, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010
24. Heracleum mantegazzianum (giant hogweed) Direct exposure Phototoxic plant of USA, Australia and Europe cause allergic response through in the Plant sap in form of Dermatitis/phytophotodermatitis, When, human skin is exposed to UV rays; Unfortunately, if sap is entered to eyes, it Can lead to temporary/permanent Blindness; In Germany, this IAPS affected Human health at wide scale (about 16,000 victims in 2003) Pyšek et al., 2007, Daisie, 2009, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010
25. Schinus terebinthifolius Direct exposure Allergic response resulting in (flu-like symptoms) Pysˇek and Richardson (2010)
26. Robinia pseudoacacia (Locust tree) Direct exposure Presence of a phytotoxin i.e. robin inner bark, young leaves and seeds which may contaminate the edible fried preparation of its flowers (in Italy) and may impose health implications on intake Daisie, 2009, Mazza et al., 2014
27. Lannea acida, Barleria lupulina Vector Result in Malarial outbreak due to Spread of female An. Coluzzii, a malarial parasite, having affinity for nectars of these IAPS Stone et al. (2018)
28. Rhododendron ponticum Direct exposure Cardiac problem due to contaminated honey with toxins (grayanotoxins) produced and transferred from this IAPS Koca and Koca, 2007, Daisie, 2009, Pysˇek and Richardson, 2010
29. Phragmites australis and Typha spp. Habitat/reservoir of vector-borne pathogens Assist in spread of West Nile virus Hazardous to human health MacKay et al. (2016)
30. Ixodes scapularis Vector Causes Lyme disease as a vector of Borrelia burgdorferi Clow et al. (2017)