Fig. 6. SurA binding to different substrates leads to varying patterns of protection and deprotection by differential HDX-MS analysis.
Wood’s plots showing the summed differences in deuterium uptake in SurA over all four HDX timepoints, comparing SurA alone with SurA in the presence of a OmpX, c OmpF or e WEYIPNV. Wood’s plots were generated using Deuteros115. Peptides coloured in blue or red, respectively, are protected or deprotected from exchange in the presence of OmpX/OmpF/WEYIPNV. Peptides with no significant difference between conditions, determined using a 99% confidence interval (dotted line), are shown in grey. Regions of SurA protected or deprotected in the presence of b OmpX, d OmpF and f WEYIPNV coloured in blue or red, respectively. Example deuterium uptake curves are shown in Supplementary Fig. 9. See Methods for experimental details.