Fig. 6. LINC01116 overexpression enhanced IL-1β transcription by recruiting DDX5 to the IL-1β promoter.
a ChIP-qPCR of DDX5 of the promoter region of IL-1β loci after knockdown of LINC01116 in glioma cells. Antibody enrichment was quantified relative to the amount of input DNA. IgG was used as the control. b–d qRT-PCR, ELISA, and western blot assays were used to detect the expression of IL-1β in Ln229 and U87 cells transfected with si-NC or si-DDX5. e–g The promotion of IL-1β (mRNA and protein) by overexpression LINC01116 was significantly reversed by knockdown of DDX5 in Ln229 and U251 cells, based on qRT-PCR, ELISA, and western blot assays. h Illustrative model showing the proposed mechanism of LINC01116 in glioma cell. Error bars represent mean ± SD. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.