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. 2020 May 1;7:134. doi: 10.1038/s41597-020-0473-z

Table 1.

Data layout in the provided HDF5 file. Nc is the number of conformations and Na is the number of atoms.

Property Key Units Type Shape
Atomic Positions ‘coordinates’ Å float32 (Nc, Na, 3)
Atomic Numbers ‘atomic_numbers’ uint8 (Na)
Total Energy ‘’ Ha float64 (Nc)
HF Energy ‘’ Ha float64 (Nc)
NPNO-CCSD(T) ‘npno_ccsd(t)_dz.corr_energy’ Ha float64 (Nc)
Correlation ‘npno_ccsd(t)_tz.corr_energy’
Energy ‘npno_ccsd(t)_qz.corr_energy’
MP2 ‘mp2_dz.corr_energy’ Ha float64 (Nc)
Correlation ‘mp2_tz.corr_energy’
Energy ‘mp2_qz.corr_energy’
Atomic Forces ‘wb97x_dz.forces’ Ha/Å float32 (Nc, Na, 3)
Molecular ‘wb97x_dz.dipole’ e Å float32 (Nc, 3)
Electric ‘wb97x_tz.dipole’
Moments ‘wb97x_tz.quadrupole’ e AA2 (Nc, 6)
Atomic ‘wb97x_dz.cm5_charges’ e float32 (Nc, Na)
Charges ‘wb97x_dz.hirshfeld_charges’
Atomic ‘wb97x_tz.mbis_dipoles’ a.u. float32 (Nc, Na)
Electric ‘wb97x_tz.mbis_quadrupoles’
Moments ‘wb97x_tz.mbis_octupoles’
Atomic Volumes ‘wb97x_tz.mbis_volumes’ a.u. float32 (Nc, Na)