Brain Histology and Immunohistochemistry for Mouse 684
H&E (A, D, and G), HSV IHC (B, E, and H), and CD45 IHC (C, F, I) for brain from mouse 684. (A)–(F) are from the frontal area of brain located 1.32 mm anterior to bregma and where the needle tract with a band of pannecrosis and microgliosis was observed, but this tract was not located near tumor (not shown here). (D)–(F) are high-power microphotographs of (A)–(C). (G)–(I) are from a more caudal area, located 1.62 posterior to bregma, where periventricular HSV and CD45-positive cells were seen. CC, corpus callosum; LV, lateral ventricle; LSI, lateral septal nucleus; Hi, hippocampus; CP, choroid plexus; 3V, 3rd ventricle; MHb, medial habenular nucleus.