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. 2020 May 1;20:607. doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-08734-1

Table 3.

Frequency and Percentage of Articles Assessing MHL Domains

Total Population Intervention Definition No Definition
MHL Domain N % N % N % N % N %
Recognition 37 41% 28 48% 9 27% 27 66% 10 20%
 Recognition of a specific mental illnesses based on a vignette by providing the correct diagnostic label 31 34%
  % correct open-ended responses 20 22%
  % correct multiple-choice responses 11 12%
 Recognition of a mental illness as opposed to a physical or spiritual problem 2 2%
 Assessment of recognition using alternative methods e.g. the ability to name or recognise names of mental illnesses 4 4%
Knowledge 76 84% 48 83% 28 85% 38 93% 38 76%
 Correct recognition i.e. knowledge of symptoms 33 36%
Knowledge about mental illnesses 33 36% 10 17% 23 70% 15 37% 18 36%
  Assessed with correct and incorrect responses 21 23%
  Assessed with attitudinal responses 12 13%
Knowledge of prevention and promotion of mental health 23 25% 20 35% 3 9% 14 34% 9 18%
 Assessed with correct and incorrect responses 1 1%
 % of different open-ended responses 2 2%
 Assessed with attitudinal responses 20 22%
  Perceived helpfulness /intentions to use self-help strategies 15 17%
  Beliefs about preventative strategies 7 8%
  Promotion of positive mental health. 2 2%
Knowledge about help-seeking 30 33% 24 41% 6 18% 15 37% 15 30%
 Intra-personal knowledge about help-seeking 13 14%
 Inter-personal knowledge about help-seeking 28 31%
 Open-ended items – knowledge of help sources and actions 22 24%
 Multiple-choice items – knowledge of help-seeking actions 2 2%
 Awareness of organisations and services 6 7%
Mental illness stigma 50 55% 25 43% 25 76% 21 51% 29 58%
 Intra-personal stigma 9 10%
 Inter-personal stigma 50 55%
 Personal 50 55%
 Perceived 9 10%
 Attitudes and beliefs 38 42%
 Emotional reactions 13 14%
 Behavioural intentions (social distance) 25 27%
 Actual discriminatory behaviours 3 3%
Help-seeking beliefs 64 70% 46 79% 18 55% 31 76% 33 66%
 Intra-personal beliefs 31 34%
 Inter-personal beliefs 57 63%
 Confidence and self-perceived help-seeking knowledge 16 18%
 Perceived helpfulness of referrals, help-sources and treatments 34 37%
 Help-seeking intentions 47 52%
 Stigma towards help-seeking 5 5%
 Perceived help-seeking barriers 9 10%
 Actual help-seeking behaviours 14 15%

Note: For total, all % out of 91, for population articles, all % out of 58, for intervention articles, all % out of 33, for definition provided, all % out of 41, for no definition provided, all % out of 50. Articles that assessed the ability to recognise mental illnesses using vignettes based on diagnostic criteria were also coded as measuring knowledge of symptoms

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