Local measures of functional connectivity. Brain topographies of the comparison of connectivity strength between chronic pain patients (CP) and healthy controls (HC) in the theta, alpha, beta, and gamma band frequencies, averaged across frequencies in each band, are shown. Connectivity strength was calculated as the average connectivity of one voxel to all other voxels of the brain. The colormaps show the t-values. Significant results are masked, ie, all voxels but the ones belonging to a significant cluster are grayed out. When no significant clusters are found, nothing is grayed out to show potential trends. (A) Phase-based connectivity (phase locking value, PLV). A significant increase of chronic pain patients' connectivity strength was observed in the theta band (P [corrected/uncorrected] = 0.045/0.011, t_max = 3.8, Cohen's d = 0.40) and the gamma band (P [corrected/uncorrected] = 0.0072/0.0018, t_max = 5.1, Cohen's d = 0.59). (B) Amplitude-based connectivity (orthogonalized amplitude envelope correlation, AEC). No significant differences were found in any frequency band (theta t_max/min = 0.4/−0.6, alpha t_max/min = 0.1/−0.7, beta t_max/min = −0.3/−1.2, gamma t_max/min = 0.0/−1.1).