LTBI screening tools and treatment regimens used in other risk groups targeted for LTBI screening in 24 high TB burden countries according to survey respondents
Country | Other risk groups targeted for LTBI screening | LTBI screening tools used | LTBI treatment regimens used | |||||||||||||||||||
Healthcare workers a | Transplant recipients b | On dialysis /anti‐TNF b | Silicosis patients b | Diabetes patients | Migrants | Prisoners a | Drug users a | Alcohol users | Tobacco users | Underweight individuals | Other | IGRA | TST | CXR | Other | Clinical screening only (a) | INH | RIF | RIF + INH | 3HP | Other | |
Angola | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Bangladesh | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Brazil | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Cambodia | ||||||||||||||||||||||
China | ||||||||||||||||||||||
DRC | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Ethiopia | Mining staff, university attendees | |||||||||||||||||||||
India | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Indonesia | Unspecified | |||||||||||||||||||||
Kenya | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Lesotho | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Liberia | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Mozambique | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Myanmar | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Nigeria | GeneXpert | |||||||||||||||||||||
Pakistan | GeneXpert | |||||||||||||||||||||
Philippines | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Russia | Diaskin‐Test |
RZ 3‐6 m |
South Africa | Unspecified | |||||||||||||||||||||
Tanzania | Contacts of MDR‐TB cases | GeneXpert | (b) | |||||||||||||||||||
Thailand | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Vietnam | Employees of congregate settings | GeneXpert | (c) | |||||||||||||||||||
Zambia | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Zimbabwe |
Risk group is not screened in NTP.
Risk group is screened/screening tool/treatment regimen is used in this risk group in NTP.
(a) May include the use of nontechnological “tools,” such as symptom scores or questionnaires; (b) Levofloxacin or Moxiflocacin for 6 to 9 months for MDR contacts; (c) Will gradually expand 3HP and 3RH implementation.
Abbreviations: 3HP, rifapentine and isoniazid weekly for 3 months; CXR, chest X‐ray; IGRA, interferon gamma release assays; INH, isoniazid daily for 6 to 9 months; LTBI, latent TB infection; MDR‐TB, multidrug‐resistant tuberculosis; NTP, national TB program; RH 6 m, rifampicin and isoniazid for 6 months; RIF, rifampicin daily for 3 to 4 months; RIF + INH, rifampicin and isoniazid daily for 3 to 4 months; RZ 3‐6 m, rifampicin and pyrazinamide for 3 to 6 months; TST, tuberculin skin test.
These represent risk groups in which LTBI screening can be considered in high burden settings, as per the 2020 WHO guidelines (not yet in effect at the time of the survey). 5
These represent risk groups in which LTBI screening is recommended in high burden settings as per the 2018 WHO guidelines (in effect at the time of the survey) and remain unchanged in the 2020 updated guidelines, which now supersede those from 2018. 5