Fig. 3.
LC-MS analysis of HS in ZNF263−/− cells. (A and B) Extracted ion chromatograms of the lyase-resistant 3-O-sulfated tetrasaccharides found in unfractionated heparin (A) and wild-type HeLa HS (B) after digestion with heparin lyases. Resistant 3-O-sulfated tetrasaccharides are annotated. (C) Collision-induced dissociation MS/MS spectra of Tetra A. (D) 3-O-sulfated tetrasaccharide distribution based on % total peak intensity of the tetrasaccharides relative to the sum of all intensities for all resistant tetrasaccharides (n = 4; t test after arcsin transformation). (E) LC-MS quantification of disaccharides from HS in wild-type and ZNF263−/− cells (n = 3; z-test). The absolute values for the disaccharides and the different classes of disaccharides are shown in SI Appendix, Tables S2 and S3. The disaccharide structure code (48) is described in SI Appendix, Table S2. (Inset) LC-MS quantification of total HS showing no difference between wild-type and ZNF263−/− cells (n = 3; Mann–Whitney U test). (F) Assigned tetrasaccharide structures and masses (z = −2).