Model of Cbf1‐dependent regulation of competence. The pneumococcal competence regulon is a quorum sensing system induced by activation of ComDE via CSP. Phosphorylated ComE induces transcription of the early competence gene loci
comX1, and
comX2, leading to a positive feedback loop by production of ComC, which is processed into CSP and exported by ComAB. The paralogous alternative sigma factors ComX1 and ComX2 induce transcription of late‐competence gene loci, one of which is
ccs50/cbf1 (Slager
et al,
2019). Cbf1 is able to cleave, stabilize, and possibly activate csRNAs, which are induced by CiaRH, which in turn is activated by a variety of factors (Gómez‐Mejia
et al,
2018). csRNAs are able to post‐transcriptionally downregulate
comC. EC, extracellular. CM, cell membrane. IC, intracellular. CSP, competence‐stimulating peptide.