Fig. 3.
In vivo photoacoustic images and spatial profiles along the scanning direction of the mean PASI of LH and RH before and after FUS. a In vivo photoacoustic images at the ICG’s spectrum maximum demonstrate on average a stronger LH (area outlined in blue) than RH (area outlined in green) PASI 2 h post FUS following ICG (50 mg/kg) injection relative to baseline PASI in both hemispheres. Four days post FUS, PASI are back to baseline PASI level. b The profiles correspond to in vivo PAI at baseline and 2 h post FUS (LH and RH profiles in blue and green, respectively). Arrows indicate the location of the 4 BBB openings. Red arrow corresponds to the in vivo photoacoustic image cross section location 2 h post FUS (a—middle).