Table 2.
Association of Cannabis Use on Quality of Life Summary Score and other Self-Reported Outcomes
Cannabis use (Yes) (n = 293) | Cannabis use (No) (n = 1491) | Unadjusted (95%CI) | Adjusteda(95% CI) | |
Mean Score | ||||
QLQ-C30 Summary Scoreb | 76.27 | 83.07 | −6.80 (−8.79, −4.80) | − 6.14 (− 8.07, − 4.20) |
Physical functioningc | 86.13 | 85.07 | 1.05 (−1.36, 3.47) | −2.75 (−5.01, −0.49) |
Social functioningc | 69.85 | 81.52 | −11.67 (− 15.06, − 8.28) | −9.84 (− 13.22, − 6.46) |
Role functioningc | 73.29 | 82.01 | − 8.72 (−12.23, − 5.22) | − 7.54 (− 11.03, − 4.04) |
Emotional functioningc | 71.59 | 81.71 | −10.11 (− 12.70, − 7.52) | −7.74 (− 10.35, − 5.12) |
Cognitive functioningc | 74.12 | 83.11 | −8.99 (− 11.61, − 6.37) | −8.60 (− 11.29, − 5.90) |
Fatigued | 32.92 | 24.73 | 8.18 (5.13, 11.24) | 8.26 (5.23, 11.29) |
Nausea & vomitingd | 9.70 | 4.85 | 4.85 (3.11, 6.59) | 3.29 (1.52, 5.07) |
Paind | 24.74 | 15.29 | 9.45 (6.31, 12.60) | 7.58 (4.52, 10.63) |
Dyspnead | 17.41 | 13.76 | 3.65 (0.69, 6.61) | 4.53 (1.53, 7.53) |
Insomniad | 34.70 | 26.65 | 8.05 (4.46, 11.64) | 7.13 (3.43, 10.82) |
Appetite lossd | 17.13 | 8.82 | 8.30 (5.70, 10.90) | 7.21 (4.55, 9.87) |
Constipationd | 22.49 | 17.76 | 4.73 (1.49, 7.97) | 4.38 (1.04, 7.73) |
Diarrhead | 24.63 | 22.73 | 1.90 (−1.58, 5.38) | 0.83 (−2.77, 4.43) |
a Adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, gender, education, marital status, health plan, smoking, alcohol use, Charlson comorbidity index [11], stage, site, opioid use after diagnosis
b A high score for QoL summary score represents a high QoL
c A high score for a functional scale represents a high / healthy level of functioning
d A high score for a symptom scale / item represents a high level of symptomatology / problems