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. 2020 Jan 21;31(2):193–201. doi: 10.1177/0956797619896270

Table 5.

Nested Comparisons for Adolescent Problem-Behavior Intercept Models

Nested model Augmented model χ2 p
π0i=β00+μ0i π0i=β00+β01delayeri+μ0i 8.98 .003
π0i=β00+μ0i π0i=β00+β01self-controli+μ0i 244.51 < .001
π0i=β00+μ0i π0i=β00+β01socialsupporti+μ0i 466.34 < .001
π0i=β00+β01delayeri+μ0i π0i=β00+β01delayeri+β02self-controli+μ0i 213.79 < .001
π0i=β00+β01self-controli+μ0i π0i=β00+β01delayeri+β02self-controli+μ0i 0.08 .779
π0i=β00+β01delayeri+μ0i π0i=β00+β01delayeri+β02socialsupporti+μ0i 396.95 < .001
π0i=β00+β01socialsupporti+μ0i π0i=β00+β01delayeri+β02socialsupporti+μ0i 50.19 .667

Note: The p values reflect a test of the difference in the deviance statistics for each pair of nested models, which is distributed as approximately χ2 with 2 degrees of freedom. A p value less than .05 indicates that the augmented model provides a significantly better fit to the data than the nested model. “Delayer” is a dummy variable coded as 1 for individuals who waited the full 7 min in the marshmallow test and 0 for individuals who did not.