Figure 4.
Phendione does not chelate intracellular cations. (A) Quantification of fluorescent intensity in the cells labeled with zinc indicator by flow cytometry. A375 (top) and A375 BRAFi-resistant (bottom) cells were treated with vehicle, phendione or cell-permeable zinc chelator TPEN for 3 h. At the end of treatment, 20 µM zinquin ethyl ester was added into medium to stain Zn2+ in live cells. Unstained cells were used as negative control for flow cytometry. (***) P < 0.001 by unpaired two-tailed Student's t-test. (B) Growth inhibition curves of A375 (top) and A375 BRAFi-resistant (bottom) cells treated with phendione or zinc chelator TPEN prepared in regular medium or medium containing 15 µM ZnCl2. (C) Immunoblot of whole-cell lysate collected after the treatment of vehicle or phendione prepared in regular medium or medium containing 15 µM ZnCl2 as indicated. (D,E) Growth inhibition curves of A375 (top) and A375 BRAFi-resistant (bottom) cells after 96 h of treatment with phendione or ion chelators DFOM or DFP prepared in regular medium or medium containing 50 µM FeCl3 (D) or 10 µM CuSO4 (E).