Luminescence of PRR9::LUC in a, shoots (n=3) and b, roots (n=3) of WT scion into WT rootstocks and its comparison with luminescence in (non-grafted) WT roots (n=4). c, Circadian time course analyses of ELF4 mRNA expression in shoots of WT, elf4–1 and ELF4-ox (also in Extended Data Fig. 1h). d Individual waveform of CCA1::LUC rhythmic recovery in roots of ELF4-ox scion and elf4–1 rootstocks. Water instead of luciferin was added to the wells containing ELF4-ox shoots. e,
CCA1::LUC luminescence in shoots and roots of elf4–2 mutant plants (n=5 for each). f, Individual waveform of CCA1::LUC rhythmic recovery in roots of E4MG scion into elf4–1 rootstocks. Water instead of luciferin was added to the wells containing E4MG shoots. a-f, Data are represented as the means + SEM. The mRNA expression and promoter activity analyses were performed under constant light conditions previous synchronization of plants under LD cycles at 22°C. The “n” values refer to independent samples. a-f, Two biological replicates were performed for all experiments, with measurements taken from distinct samples grown and processed at different times.