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. 2013 Feb 28;2013(2):CD007651. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007651.pub2
Study ID
Measurement period Study population Intervention group Control group Overall effect Comments
Colin‐Ramirez 2010 Baseline 498 boys and girls 84 84
Follow‐up (12 months post‐intervention) 85 89 NS
Burke 1998 Enrichment group boys Baseline 720 boys and girls NA NA NS Self‐reported time spent watching TV
Time spent watching TV returned almost to baseline levels after the intervention in all groups, except in boys in the enrichment group
End of intervention NA NA NS
Follow‐up (6 months) 18 23 P = 0.014
Enrichment group girls Baseline NA NA NS
End of intervention NA NA NS
Follow‐up (6 months) 2 5 NS
Gentile 2009 Child report Baseline 1029 boys and girls 245.1 262.3   Time spent viewing TV and playing video games was assessed by children, using methods that have been used reliably with children. Time spent on TV and video games was summed to create weekly screen time (hours/week)
Follow up (6 months) 238.3 249.4 NS
Parent report Baseline 180 197.1  
Follow up (6 months) 205.7 222.9 P < 0.05
Cohen's d 1.38 = 2 hours less screen time in favour of experimental group
Haerens 2006 Boys Baseline 2434 boys and girls 33.9 53.4 Self‐reported amount of time spent watching TV
End of intervention 
 (year 2) 34.6 35.0 P<0.05
Girls Baseline 20.5 24.8
End of intervention 
 (year 2) 18.7 22.9 NS
Jones 2008 Baseline 606 girls 137 114 NA Sedentary activity data were collected using multiple administrations of the Self‐Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC), as well as with the Calcium, Osteoporosis and Physical Activity (COPA) questionnaire. The SAPAC had an additional section for sedentary activities such as TV and video watching at 3 time periods during the previous day
It is worth noting that the control group spent a lot more time in sedentary behaviours at follow‐up than they had at baseline, and also that the control group had much lower sedentary behavior at baseline than the intervention group
End of intervention 135 152 P = 0.04
17 (95% CI 16.5 to 17.5)
Kipping 2008 Weekdays Baseline 604 boys and girls 150 135   Self reported time spent engaged in screen‐based activities. Child self‐report about the length of time spent doing screen‐based activities on the previous weekday and Saturday
End of intervention NA NA P = 0.62
‐12 (95% CI ‐43 to 19)
Weekends Baseline 150 180
End of intervention NA NA P = 0.42
‐15 (95% CI ‐58 to 27)
Lubans 2009 Baseline 106 boys and girls 150 131.4 NS Sedentary behaviors were assessed using a questionnaire. The items were adapted from the Adolescent Sedentary Activity Questionnaire used in the NSW Schools Physical Activity and Nutrition Study (SPANS)
Follow up (6 months) 124.8 135.6 NS
Neumark‐Sztainer 2009 Baseline 96 boys and girls NA NA NS Children were asked on one average weekday and Saturday or Sunday, how many hours are spent watching TV/videos; 7 response options ranging from 0 to 6+ hours
End of intervention 136.8 140.4 P = 0.857
Neumark‐Sztainer 2010 Baseline 336 adolescent girls 168 144 NS TV viewing for 30 min blocks/day. Overall there was a change in sedentary behaviors, but not for TV viewing
Follow‐up (5 months post‐intervention) 137.4 140.4 P = 0.883
Peralta 2009 Baseline 32 boys 387 315 NS Time spent in small screen recreation on weekends was assessed using the Adolescent Sedentary Activities Questionnaire. Participants were asked to report (in hours) TV viewing, video viewing, video game, computer game/Internet use, and computer use for homework
Follow up (6 months) 285 287.7 P = 0.56
12 (95% CI ‐306 to 168)
Robinson 1999 Child report TV Baseline 192 boys and girls 132 132.8 Self‐reported time spent in sedentary activities
End of intervention 77.1 124.3 P < 0.001
Videotapes Baseline 40.3 47.1
End of intervention 30 44.6 NS
Video games Baseline 22.3 33.4
End of intervention 11.4 36 P = 0.01
Other sedentary behaviors Baseline 40.3 38.6
End of intervention 32.6 35.1 NS
Parental report TV Baseline 102.9 128.6
End of intervention 77.1 128.6 P < 0.001
Videotapes Baseline 42.9 37.7
End of intervention 33.1 33.5 NS
Video games Baseline 15.4 23.1
End of intervention 12 22.3 NS
Other sedentary behaviors Baseline 385.7 342.9
End of intervention 351.4 368.6 NS
Salmon 2008 Intervention 1 Baseline 268 boys and girls NA NA Child self‐report time (hours/minutes) engaged in TV viewing, computer use and playing electronic games. Each of these variables was summed and divided by 7 to calculate average minutes per day
Baseline data available for boys and girls; however, not available for whole sample. Results only available post intervention for whole sample.
Statistically significant effect observed for Behavior Modification arm, in favor of the control group
Follow‐up (12 months) NA NA NS
Intervention 2 Baseline NA NA
Follow‐up (12 months) NA NA P < 0.05
Intervention 3 Baseline NA NA
Follow‐up (12 months) NA NA 240 (95% CI 28 to 452)
Simon 2004 % time in high sedentary activities Baseline 954 adolescent boys and girls 34% 27% Self‐reported time spent in sedentary activities such as TV viewing and video games. High sedentary behaviour ≥ 3 h/day TV viewing and computer/video games
During intervention 
 (6 months) 28% 36% P < 0.0001 
 OR 0.49 
 (95% CI 0.35 to 0.69)
Minutes of TV viewing and computer/ video games Baseline 108 104
End of intervention (year 4) 88 99 P < 0.02
‐16 (95% CI ‐29 to ‐3)
Singh 2009 Boys Baseline 875 boys and girls 268 294 NA Screen‐viewing behavior (TV viewing and computer use), min/d assessed using a questionnaire pre tested for clarity and length among adolescents not participating in the study
End of intervention Follow‐up (20 months) 258 278 P = 0.05
‐25 (95% CI ‐50 to ‐0.3)
Girls Baseline 212 250 NA
End of intervention Follow‐up (20 months) 258 248 NS
‐2 (95% CI ‐9 to 5)
Webber 2008 Baseline 36 schools
all girls
456.5 458 NS 
 ‐1.5 (95% CI ‐11 to 8) Minutes of sedentary behavior defined as the number of minutes with less than light activity
End of intervention (year 2) 511 514 NS
‐3.5 (95% CI ‐11 to 4)
Program Champion– directed intervention (year 3) 524 533 P < 0.05
‐8 (95% CI ‐17 to 0)
Williamson 2007 Baseline 586 boys and girls HEE
  The Self‐Administered Physical Activity Checklist (SAPAC) 34 is a 29‐item self‐report, 1‐day recall of physical and selected sedentary activities using a checklist format. The SAPAC was administered to small groups of students in a classroom setting. Self‐reported data from the SAPAC were summarized to measure minutes in sedentary pursuits
End of intervention (18 months) 4 ‐20 P = 0.4864
CI: confidence interval; NA: not acknowledged; NS: not significant; OR: odds ratio; TV: television; NSW: New South Wales; h/day: hours per day.