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. 2013 Feb 28;2013(2):CD007651. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007651.pub2

Trevino 2004.

Methods Design: randomized controlled trial 
 Theoretical framework: Social Cognitive Theory, Social Ecological Theory 
 Number of intervention groups: 1 
 Number of control groups: 1 
 Follow‐up: immediately post‐intervention
Participants N (intervention): 619 
 N (control): 602
Age (mean): 9.8 years 
 Sex: male and female 
 Ethnicity: Hispanic
Interventions Country: US 
 Setting: school, urban 
 Provider: teachers 
 Duration: 7 months 
 Intervention: 50 sessions of health programing across 7 months to transmit to children 3 health behavior messages associated with diabetes mellitus control (decreased dietary saturated fat intake, increase dietary fiber intake, increase physical activity). Taught and reinforced through classroom, home, school cafeteria, and after‐school care educational activities. Physical education teachers, parents, school cafeteria staff, and after‐school care staff were asked to encourage less dietary saturated fat, more fiber intake and more physical activity, to have less saturated fat and more fiber available, and more physical activity available. Children were asked to set goals aimed at accomplishing the targeted behaviors and to keep records of their accomplishments. Children were also asked to encourage their peers and adult caretakers to practice 3 health behaviors. Children and parents who practiced the 3 health behaviors were rewarded with coupons (worth a $$ amount) from a store set up in the school. Students could purchase merchandise with the coupons 
 Control: not specified
Outcomes VO2max (mL/kg/minute)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Comment: randomization took place using a random number table
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Comment: methods ensured that no one could foresee intervention assignment
Blinding (performance bias and detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Quote: "principals of schools were informed and asked not to inform students, parents or school staff of the intervention assignment" (Trevino 2004, p912)
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: outcome data complete
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: all outcomes identified a priori were reported on
Confounders controlled? Low risk Comment: all relevant outcomes were accounted for
Data collection methods valid and reliable? Unclear risk Comment: reliability and validity of data collection methods not specifically stated