Drosophila larval brain development is impaired under nucleolar stress induced by the loss of Nopp140. (A) Larval brain development in homozygous KO121 (Nopp140 gene deletion, He et al., 2015), homozygous J11 (CRISPR-mediated Nopp140 disruption), and wild-type (w1118) starting at day 1 after larval hatching (ALH) until day 7 and day 13 ALH. Homozygous KO121 and J11 larval brains at day 13 ALH are shown, but wild-type individuals have developed into adults by day 13 ALH, hence an adult fly brain is shown. (B) RNAi-depletion of Nopp140 using pan-neuronal GAL4 driver, Neurotactin (Nrt)::GAL4, and the UAS::TComC4.2 (Nopp140 RNAi line) resulted in impaired larval brain development similar to that seen in Nopp140 homozygous deletion background. Representative larval brains from three independent crosses at day 4–5 ALH comparing Nopp140-depleted brains with control sibling brains (not expressing RNAi) are shown. Scale bars: 100 µm (C) Conventional fluorescence images of the neuropil immuno-stained with antibody against Discs large (Dlg; green) in second instar w1118 control larvae and homozygous J11DsRed larvae at day 2–3 ALH. White arrows show unstained peripheral cell body layers, which are reduced in homozygous J11non-DsRed larvae. n=15 (wild-type); n=18 (homozygous J11non-DsRed); >3 technical replicates. Scale bars: 50 µm.