Total Fertility Rate |
Restricted-use birth data from the NVSS; population data from the bridged-race population estimates from the NCHS |
Unemployment Rate |
Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAU) |
% Goods-Producing Businesses Logged # Goods-Producing Businesses |
U.S. Census Bureau’s County Business Patterns (CBP) |
Per Capita GDP |
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) |
Never Married Status |
1-Year American Community Survey (ACS) via IPUMS-USA |
Education Level |
Past Year In-Migration9
Homeownership Rate |
Unemployment Rate (Male and Female) Share of Hispanic population who are Mexican-origin |
Labor Force Participation Rate (Overall, Male, and Female) |
Employment-to-Population Ratio (Overall, Male, and Female) |
Divorce Rate |