Table 3.
The relationship of insight scores with clinical and between neuropsychological parameters
Neuropsychological parameters | SAI-E total (r*, P) |
WCST (total errors) | −0.43, 0.001 |
WCST (perseverative errors) | −0.47, <0.001 |
Attention errors | −0.30, 0.02 |
Category fluency | −0.01, 0.92 |
Verbal 1 back errors | −0.17, 0.92 |
Verbal 2 back errors | −0.06, 0.65 |
RAVLT immediate recall | 0.25, 0.06 |
RAVLT delayed recall | 0.12, 0.37 |
RAVLT recognition trial | 0.29, 0.03 |
RCFT copy | 0.16, 0.22 |
RCFT immediate recall | −0.03, 0.83 |
RCFT delayed recall | 0.006, 0.97 |
RCFT recognition trial | −0.006, 0.96 |
Partial correlation analysis was performed controlling for the effects of IQ score. *P<0.004 is considered as statistically significant. DVT – Digit Vigilance Test; WCST – Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; RCFT – Rey’s complex figure test; RAVLT – Rey auditory verbal learning test; IQ – Intelligence quotient; SAI-E – Schedule for Assessment of Insight – expanded version