Mapping the region of Sry-δ that interacts with 32B. (A) Schematic of the parts of Sry-δ that were fused to the GAL4 AD or a Myc tag. An acidic region and zinc fingers are indicated. (B) Results of Y2H assays, as in Figure 1A. The N-terminal half of Sry-δ, which lacks the zinc fingers, interacted with 32B. (C) Results of 32B pull-down assays, as in Figure 1B (IN: 20% of input; PD: 50% of the pulled down proteins; α-BEAF: 25% of the pulled down proteins). The half of Sry-δ lacking the zinc fingers was pulled down with 32B. (D) Summary of interactions between BEAF and Sry-δ. AD, activation domain; Sry-δ, Serendipity δ; Y2H, yeast two-hybrid.