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. 2020 Jan 14;150(5):1284–1290. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz339


DD from baseline to endline in household food expenditures (2014 taka) by food type1

Baseline Endline
Intensive Nonintensive Intensive Nonintensive DD P
Legumes 181 193 250 248 15 0.09
Eggs 138 154 238 201 53 <0.01
Flesh foods2 1686 1849 2811 2503 471 <0.01
Meat and poultry 623 686 1124 1086 102 0.07
Small fish 900 829 1442 1106 264 0.13
Big fish 163 335 245 311 106 0.31
Vegetables 860 905 1070 1047 68 0.23
Leafy vegetables 91 81 123 130 −17 0.48
Fruits 796 801 1053 907 152 0.18
Dairy 248 265 284 276 25 0.82
Oil 295 327 413 428 16 0.42
Grains 2722 2793 2234 2261 43 0.66
Sugar 123 107 107 114 −23 0.15
Salt 33 40 44 49 2 0.26
Spices 278 238 351 322 −12 0.75
Beverages3 83 138 132 67 120 <0.01
Prepared foods4 271 314 265 342 −34 0.17
Other foods5 175 199 191 264 −47 0.02

All expenditure distributions were highly skew; Box-Cox transformations were applied. Tobit models were used to account for zero expenditures for all categories except for grains, vegetables, oil, and spices. P values were obtained from Tobit models, with the exception of grains, vegetables, oil, and spices, for which P values were obtained from linear regression. DD, difference-in-differences.


Flesh foods include meats, poultry, and fish.


Beverages include prepared tea, soda, and packaged juice.


Prepared foods consist of 35 diverse items including rice, curry, dal, salad, sweets, and any fried foods.


Other foods include sugar, biscuits, and tea leaves.