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. 2020 Apr 28;8:234. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2020.00234


Comparison of manual gating, unsupervised and supervised clustering methods.

Manual gating Unsupervised clustering methods Supervised clustering methods
Ease of use Easy and straight forward for biologist Tool dependent, generally easy to apply. See Table 3 Tool dependent, generally requires more steps than unsupervised clustering methods
Reproducibility Reproducible between data for same user Majority of the tools allow for setting a “seed” enabaling the reproducibility of the results. See Table 3 Variable (tool dependent)
Time cost Experience and sample size dependent Tool dependent, see Table 3 Tool dependent, generaly high. See Table 4
Flexibility High, depends on user manual setting Moderate, users can only adjust some parameters Low
Novel subpopulation detection Yes Yes (tool dependent) No (can only detect previously defined clusters)
Subpopulation/cluster identification Manual (based on gating strategy) Manual (based on cluster marker expression) Automated (based on training set)
# of subpopulations/clusters Experiment dependent Variable (some allow users input; some automatically optimize #) See Table 3 Fixed (based on training set)
Prior knowledge requirement Gating Experience, Marker expression for cellular identification None for clustering; knowledge of marker expression for cluster identification Training dataset or marker matrix, familiarity with bioinformatics