Layer V Sharpens the Temporal Response to Whisker Stimulation
(A) Schematic of the experiment in anesthetized animals. In this as well as in other figures, ChR2-positive neurons are indicated in blue, ChR2-negative cells in grey.
(B) Representative traces from a layer II/III ChR2-negative principal neuron in vivo.
(B1) Average response in (B) at a finer temporal scale.
(C and C1) Peak amplitude (C) and area (C1) in ChR2-negative layers II/III, V, and VI cells under the different experimental conditions. n = 39 cells from 17 animals; paired t test. In this as well as in other figures, values from individual experiments are shown in grey, the average of all cells in black. Error bars indicate SEM.
(D–D3) Spiking response of a deep neuron under the different experimental conditions. Blue light was presented at different delays (~0 ms in D1, ~30 ms in D2, ~50 ms in D3) from the onset of the whisker-evoked response.
(E–E3) Peri-stimulus time histogram (black trace, bin 10 ms) of whisker-responsive deep cortical neurons during whisker stimulation (red bar, E) or during whisker stimulation followed by layer V activation (blue bar, E1–E3). Gray traces in (E1)–(E3) show the average peri-stimulus histogram shown in (E).
(F) Cellular spike rate in a time window of 100 ms from the onset of the whisker stimulation under the different experimental conditions shown in (E)–(E3). n = 13 cells from 7 animals; Friedman test.
(G) Schematic of the experimental configuration.
(H and H1) Raster plots showing the response of a representative deep cortical neuron to whisker stimulation (red bar) alone (H) and during concurrent layer V photosuppression (yellow bar, H1).
(I and I1) Peri-stimulus time histograms (black trace) of whisker-responsive deep cortical neurons recorded during whisker stimulation (red bar, I) and during whisker stimulation and concurrent layer V photoinhibition (yellow bar, I1). The gray trace in (I1) represents the average peri-stimulus histogram shown in (I).
(J) Spike rate in the early (0–40 ms) and late (40–100 ms) response window under the different experimental conditions shown in (I) and (I1). n = 19 cells from 14 animals; early response, Wilcoxon test; late response, paired t test. In this as well as in other figures, *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. Error bars indicate SEM.
See also Figures S1–S4 and Tables S1 and S2.