Serum total cholesterol (A), LDL-cholesterol (B) and triglycerides (C) from Sprague-Dawley rats. Results expressed as a mean ± standard deviation. AIN group fed AIN-93G diet; HF – AIN-93G diet modified to hyperlipidic content (35% fat); R25, R50, and R100 (HF diet supplemented with 25, 50 or 100 mg/kg R-(+)-α-terpineol, respectively); and S25, S50 and S100 (HF diet supplemented with 25, 50 or 100 mg/kg (–)-α-terpineol, respectively). Different letters indicate the significant statistical difference (p < 0.05). One way ANOVA with Tukey post-test (n = 6 per group).