Calculated electrostatic potential and resultant
split-off state
potential energies. The orange, green, red, and blue curves are for
a vacuum gap of d = 0.40, 0.40, 0.40, and 0.35 nm
between the tip and C60 surface and a layer thickness of
2, 3, 4, and 4 ML C60, respectively. The sample and tip
Fermi levels (EFS and EF), work functions (ΦS,ΦT) and vacuum levels (VS,VT) satisfy VS = EFS + ΦS and VT = EF + ΦT. (a) The potential directly
beneath the tip for the bias U = −3.33 V.
The Ag(111)-C60 interface is at z = 0.
The solid circles denote the C60-vacuum interface. (b)
Detail of the shaded region in (a). (c) The lowest LUMO split-off
state energy as a function of U. (d) Detail of the
shaded region in (c) with additionally, the second lowest singly degenerate
LUMO split-off state shown with thin lines. The double-headed arrows
indicate the voltage difference between where the curves cross zero
energy, corresponding to EFS.