Table 2. Summary of the topics covered in this paper.
Please refer to Table 1 for abbreviations.
Topic | Description | Assessment scales |
Depression | Depressive symptom scales assess feelings of sadness, hopelessness, self-blame,
emptiness, disturbances in sleeping and appetite and concentration difficulties. |
DAS-42, Goldberg |
Anxiety | Anxiety symptom scales assess feelings of nervousness, worry, restlessness,
dread, etc. |
PHQ-9/GAD-7, DAS-42,
Goldberg |
Distress | Psychological distress is a general measure of negative feelings, stress, mood
dysphoria, and psychological strain. Distress is positively correlated to the likelihood of developing a mental illness 23. |
DAS-42, Trauma
Symptom Inventory, GHQ-12 |
Suicidality | Includes suicidal thoughts, consideration, ideation, planning, or attempts | GAIN-SS, Meehan
Inventory |