Date | Event | Description |
15 February 2016 | New search has been performed | A search of the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Review Group did not identify any new references potentially eligible for inclusion in this review. |
15 February 2016 | New citation required but conclusions have not changed | Since no new studies have been included in this updated review, our conclusions remain the same. |
10 February 2014 | New search has been performed | A search of the Cystic Fibrosis & Genetic Disorders Group's Cystic Fibrosis Trials Register did not identify any potentially eligible studies for inclusion in this review. |
10 February 2014 | New citation required but conclusions have not changed | No new studies were included in this update of the review, therefore our conclusions remain the same. Jai Shanthini Singaram has stepped down from the author team for this update. |
26 October 2011 | New search has been performed | A search of the Group's Cystic Fibrosis Trials Register did not identify any new references potentially eligible for inclusion in the update of this review. |
26 April 2010 | Amended | Contact details updated. |