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. 2020 May 4;2020(5):CD012955. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD012955.pub2

Stanley 2017.

Study characteristics
Methods 12‐month trial with 4 arms
  1. Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) + fluoxetine

  2. DBT + placebo

  3. Supportive therapy + fluoxetine

  4. supportive therapy + placebo

Duration of trial: 12 months
Country: USA
Setting: inpatient
Participants Method of recruitment of participants: recruited from emergency departments, clinician referrals and advertisements. Recruitment period ended 6 months prior to study end date.
Sample size: 86
Diagnosis of borderline personality disorder: not stated
Means of assessment: not stated
Age: not stated
Sex: not stated
Comorbidity: not stated
Inclusion criteria
  1. Meets criteria for diagnosis of borderline personality disorder

  2. History of at least 1 suicide attempt or self‐mutilation episode 12 months prior to study entry

  3. Experiences continued urges to self‐mutilate or attempt suicide

  4. Stable living situation

  5. Use of effective birth control if sexually active

  6. Clinically stable enough to tolerate placebo condition

  7. Not participating in other forms of treatment during the study

Exclusion criteria
  1. Any current organic mental syndromes, lifetime schizophrenic or bipolar disorders, psychotic disorders, or mental retardation

  2. Inability to complete psychiatric interview due to lack of cooperation or lack of comprehension

  3. Unable to tolerate fluoxetine or DBT

  4. Currently receiving treatment for an acute medical illness or other debilitating problem, including substance abuse or anorexia nervosa

  5. History of major depression lasting more than 3 months

  6. Current Hamilton depression score above 22 and not receiving treatment

  7. Pregnant or breastfeeding

Interventions Experimental groupTreatment name: DBT + fluoxetine
Number randomised to group: 18
Duration: 12 months
Control/comparison group 1Comparison name: DBT + placebo
Number randomised to group: 19
Duration: 12 months
Control/comparison group 2
Comparison name: supportive therapy + fluoxetine
Number randomised to group: 20
Duration: 12 months
Control/comparison group 3Comparison name: supportive therapy + placebo
Number randomised to group: 18
Duration: 12 months
All groups
Concomitant psychotherapy: not stated
Concomitant pharmacotherapy: all participants were washed out of psychotropic medications and received fluoxetine or placebo, depending on randomisation (50% of each group received fluoxetine or placebo). Benzodiazapines were permitted for sleep.
Proportions of participants taking standing psychotropic medication during trial observation period: 50% of each group were taking fluoxetine.
Outcomes Primary
  1. Suicide‐related outcomes, assessed by total counts of attempted suicide attempts over the course of the 12‐month treatment period (sum of 6, bimonthly assessments during the treatment phase)

  1. Attrition, in terms of patients lost after randomisation in each group

  2. Adverse effects, measured by spontaneous reporting

Notes Sample size calculation: not stated 
Ethics approval: not stated
Comments from review authors:
  1. Data available at

Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: no clear information on randomisation method was provided
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Comment: no clear information on allocation concealment was provided
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes Low risk Comment: outcome assessors were masked to treatment allocation
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Comment: dropout rates were even across groups, total rates were around ¼ of participants; no information provided on ITT, but all randomised participants were analysed
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Low risk Comment: NCT00533117: no apparent bias
Other bias Unclear risk Treatment adherence
Comment: adherence not stated
Attention bias
Comment: equal treatment in four groups
Allegiance bias
Comment: nothing found