Study name | Title: Short‐term psychotherapeutic treatment in adolescents engaging in non‐suicidal self‐injury: a randomised controlled trial |
Methods | Not known |
Participants |
Inclusion criteria:
Interventions | The used short‐term treatment programme called “The Cutting Down‐Program” is a manualised short‐term therapy, which is designed for 8 to 12 therapy sessions. It includes elements of the cognitive‐behavioural therapy but also elements of the dialectic‐behavioural therapy. |
Outcomes |
Primary outcomes:
Starting date | 17 September 2010 |
Contact information |
Name: Mr Dr Michael Kaess Address: Klinik für Kinder‐ und Jugendpsychiatrie Psychosoziales Zentrum Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg, Blumenstraße 8, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany E‐mail: michael.kaess at med.uni‐heidelberg.de Telephone: 06221‐566914 |
Notes | None |