Figure 6. Podocyte derived endothelin-1 in DoxSN induced degradation and remodeling of ESL via EdnrA and mitochondrial ROS.
(A) mRNA expression for Hpse and Hyal2 of control and Edn1 +/− BQ-123 treated PodTgfbr1 podocytes. (B) mRNA expression of Hpse, Hyal2, Ext1, Hs2st1 of control mGEC, and mGECs treated with Edn1, PodTgfbr1 supernatants (CtrlSN and DoxSN), DoxSN+mTe, DoxSN+BQ-123 for 48hr (+/−SD *P <0.05, **P <0.01, compared to mGEC Ctrl, ud=undetectable). (C) Cell surface heparan sulfate and (D) Isolectin B4 of control mGEC, and mGECs treated Edn1, PodTgfbr1 supernatants (CtrlSN and DoxSN), DoxSN+mTe, DoxSN+BQ-123 for 48hr assessed by FACS.