AAV2-RPE65-Cre mediated Yap1 deletion leads to RPE dedifferentiation in adult mice. Subretinal injection of 1 μl of AAV2-RPE65-Cre (2.59×1012 GC/ml) was performed in GFP+ (A) and Yap1fl/fl/GFP+ (B-D) mice at 5 weeks of age. Eyes were collected at 8 days after subretinal injection. A-B) Whole mount immunostaining of Phalloidin (red), GFP (green), and DAPI (blue) show loss of cuboidal appearance and abnormal cell shape in Yap1 mutant (GFP positive) cell in (B). C-D) RPE65 expression is lost in Yap1 mutant (GFP positive) cells mediated by AAV2-RPE65-Cre in whole mount (C) and retina sections (D) by immunostaining. *, RPE layer, n = 3 mice per group for each assay, Bar size = 20 μm.